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The Wrong Number ][ BBS
Updated: 05/27/2024 - Born On Date: 11/22/1986 - Reborn: 05/08/2018

The Wrong Number ][ BBS Consists Of The Following:
This BBS is run in a Virtual Machine on a Proxmox Server housed on a Home Built AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor with 64gigs and 6TB of Storage.

The Virtual Machine is built on a Debian 12 base with 4gigs Of Ram and a 100 Gig Hard Drive.

Short History
A brief history of this incarnation of The Wrong Number ][ BBS, it came back to life on May 8th, 2018 after a 22 year hiatus. The system was running Mystic BBS a39. We started out with a very basic system and it has grown to what it is today. There is another page on this website with the history of the BBS' I run today. This BBS is hooked up to 12 FTN Networks at the moment, an InterBBS File Server, 6 InterBBS Game Servers, and our very own Game Server, plus a lot more! You've already taken the first step into our home, now take the next step and log on to one of the boards from the Telnet Page.

The Wrong Number ]I[ BBS
Updated: 05/27/2024 - Born On Date: 10/01/2018

The Wrong Number ]I[ BBS Consists Of The Following:
This BBS is run in a Virtual Machine on a Proxmox Server housed on a Home Built AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor with 64gigs and 6TB of Storage.

The Virtual Machine is built on a Windows Tiny 11 64bit Operating System base with 8gigs Of Ram and a 250 Gig Hard Drive.

This BBS runs the WinUAE Amiga Emulator which runs a A4000 with Amiga OS emulation with everything Maxed out. Thus the reason this BBS is so fast. It also runs a BinkD BinkP Server for the Networks that are carried. Not all of the Networks carried on The Wrong Number ][ are carried on this BBS. Bits and pieces of them are carried. This BBS caters to Retro Computing. Mainly Commodore 8-Bit and Amiga, it carries the entire 1993 Wrong Number ][ File Library. Plus other files added since it is up.

Short History
A brief history of this incarnation of The Wrong Number ][ BBS,this BBS was put online on October 1st, 2018. It was the second Amiga BBS I have run, the first was an Excelsior! BBS back in 1993-1995. This is the first C-Net BBS I have run since approximately October of 1988 when I changed over to Image BBS C64 Software.
This BBS carries via a Mystic BBS Front End every Door Server that is carried on Wrong Number ][ BBS.

The Wrong Number IV BBS
Updated: 05/27/2024 - Born On Date: 05/24/2019

The Wrong Number IV BBS Consists Of The Following:
This BBS is run in a Virtual Machine on a Proxmox Server housed on a Home Built AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor with 64gigs and 6TB of Storage.

The Virtual Machine is built on a Debian 11.6 Base Operating System base with 4 gigs Of Ram and a 32 gig Hard Drive.

Vice Verison 3.8 r45166 w/Cube Inc. Modifications for Uploading/Downloading. Commodore C64c (Vice Emulation)
CMD SuperCPU 20mhz Cartridge (Vice Emulation)
CMD 16mb RamLink (Vice Emulation)
CMD 4.1 gig Hard Drive (Vice Emulation)
38.4k Swiftlink (Vice Emulation)

This setup is one of the fastest Commodore setups around. With the Image v3.0 Software, it is very difficult to tell that it is run on a Commodore 64. It rivals most Amiga and PC BBS programs for functionality and speed.

This BBS carries the original Wrong Number ][ File Library and is part of the NISSA Network.

The Wrong Number ][ Retro 1993 BBS
Updated: 05/27/2024 - Born On Date: 05/01/2023

The Wrong Number ][ Retro 1993 BBS Consists Of The Following:
This BBS is run in a Virtual Machine on a Proxmox Server housed on a Home Built AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six-Core Processor with 64gigs and 6TB of Storage.

The Virtual Machine is built on a Debian 12.0 Base Operating System base with 4 gigs Of Ram and a 32 gig Hard Drive.

Vice Verison 3.8 r45166 w/Cube Inc. Modifications for Uploading/Downloading. Commodore C64c (Vice Emulation)
Lt Kernal 160 Meg Hard Drive (Vice Emulation)
19.2k Swiftlink (Vice Emulation)

The Original Wrong Number ][ BBS in all of it's glory from the day it was taken down on 5/1/1993.Exactly the same as it was that day, only difference is the user base is new and the sub-boards are new. Everything else from the Auto Messages to the Graphic Screens are the same, including the file library from 1993 with some hard to find files from that time still preserved on this BBS. Give it a call via your favorite Color Graphics Terminal Program or click the Telnet to CBM BBS' tab on the top of this page, then click the graphic screen of The Wrong Number ][ Retro graphic
and you will be taken to the BBS.

© 2024 Wrong Number BBS - Al DeRosa (Bucko)